The research of Filip Kachnič

The research of Filip Kachnič

Every human being has a breath, not every one of them has a voice. Among us, we have little human beings, whose voice is not heard but they make a big difference: they bring the topic of respect to schools. They are the children of immigrants.

Filip Kachnič gives voice to these children. He wants to get to know their gifts so that they could use them for the good of the whole classroom.

Become part of this and help Filip Kachnič carry out an offer to schools that includes professional and free evaluation of the conditions of immigrants’ education.

We know that if the school has the right perspective on immigrants’ education, the presence of immigrants in classes starts motivating other Czech children (OECD). Education at schools like this, extend the perceiving of the world, thanks to children from different countries.

How does your donation help?

    • Even 50 CZK can help improve the quality of education at one school.
    • 150 CZK help include a teacher in improving conditions.
    • 300 CZK help to suggest a direction in education in one classroom.
    • 500 CZK help improve education at one school.
    • 700 CZK help include parents of immigrants in school life.
    • 1 500 CZK help create a long-term goal in improving immigrants’ education for one school.