The evangelist Zdenek Uhlik

The evangelist – Zdenek Uhlik

Your support will enable Zdenek to be closer to the goals of his ministry. Zdenek longs to see the return of Czechs to Christ. He devotes most of his time to prayer and preparation for ministry. He serves with the word, a prayer that builds up churches, he leads seminars concerning evangelization, healing, and deliverance. Zdenek attempts to build up a team of experienced servants in this area. Zdenek longs to accept as many invitations from churches as possible.

For more information, please visit

How does your donation help?

Spreading the Gospel in the Czech Republic through personal testimony of Zdenek Uhlik.

His ministry has impacted around 150 interdenominational churches in the Czech Republic.

Contributions per the year 2020: 391 480CZK

Donate –  The evangelist Zdenek Uhlik

Your donation enables the spreading of the gospel in the Czech Republic.

CZK Bank account: 2400083780 / 2010 Payment reference number 1101